Thursday, July 19, 2012

The continued fall of JoePa, while the dirty handed PA Gov gets off scott free

I am really really tired of the hate. And to those that know me, maybe that is hypocritical.  But it has becoming very clear to me, that we all are better served with positive re-enforcement vs. negative.  So how do we change it?

I don't have the all the answers, but this much I has to start some where, so I will do my part and start here. 

If there is one thing I have learned from JoePa and the whole Sandusky ordeal is this, a true measurement of a man, isn't his words but his actions.  Joe has been his greatest critic, in fact, I argue had he not said, "I wish I would have done more," or the Lt. gov Noonan had said the same thing about Joe, the media wouldn't have bashed him or his charactor like they did.  Which I find troubling. See to me, that state Coach made, exemplifies who was, and what he was about.  Any one with a heart, and a desire to be a positive effect on this place we call Earth, would have wished they did more.  See what most forget is what the whole statement was, " hindsight, I wish I would have done more".  Hindsight is 20/20 and if I had a nickel for everytime I wish I had done something different I would be a millionaire.  That doesn't mean, everytime I wished I had done something different, that I didn't try to get it right the first time.  He didn't admit guilt, he recognized his influence, and realized he trusted the wrong people.  He was not perfect, never claimed to be, but he ALWAYS tried and wanted to do the right thing.

So from this point forward, that's is all I suggest we concentrate on.  If we all at least try to do the right thing, our world would be a better place.  If the people he had trusted to do that right thing, the people we hire to do the right, had done the right thing, Joe wouldn't have had to unfairly endure the charactor attacks, the knew jerk reactions, the bogus assualts on his true legacy, the one that goes WAY beyond football.

The sad thing is, everyone is blaming and hold a football coach to a higher standard than our own law enforcement officals.  Say what you want about Freeh's report, it is not a complete report.  Joe never emailed, so there are NO emails from Joe, only things other say about him.  Also, Freeh doesn't address how law enforcement didn't have enough evidence inn 1998, but yet Joe knew and it's all his fault. I knew in 1998, it came across the ticker on ESPN.  And why would Joe not want a man, who was no longer a coach, to not be investigated?  Oh because they were friends?  But they weren't. The BOT (board of trustees) is who name Sandusky successor, he was friends with many BOT members including Gov. Tom Corbett. Who has State Attorney General chose to table the Sandusky case, for at least 3 years.  Joe was the one who said, Sandusky shouldn't be the next coach.My point, where there is smoke there is fire, Corbett has smoke all around him, and he's the only one with any motivation to hide the Sandusky's monsters acts.  There was no need for Joe to, it was not a "football" problem. We aren't talking about NCAA violations we are talking about laws, and laws that it's up to our government officals to address.  Blame the coach all you want, but how can you not blame the police, the SAG, the BOT, or the Governor?  They all had the info too, they all failed to do more.  And just in case you didn't know, Corbett hired another individual to head up the public safety department that also ran a sex ring, and was finally arrested for it, against the Governor's wishes. 

For those saying the Paternos need to go away, are the same folks that don't want the whole truth.  That our society isn't corrupt from football giants, it's corrupt from our political and legal system. 

Hate me all you want, bash me all you want, you don't know me. You don't that I was sexual abused as a child by a babysitter.  You don't know that I always loved PSU football because it was school first. How does a guy who benches players who were eligible by NCAA standards but not his standards for a bowl game when all he was worried about was a record.  His actions for almost 60 years don't fall in line with his accused inactions for the last 10. It doesn't make sense at all.  Take away his statue, his records, his wins, and I firmly believe he and the family wouldn't care, he was more worried about turning boys into men, and creating contributing factors of society, and Sandusky was obviously not one, but how many other hunderds were. And Sandusky's biggest allies were through the Second Mile foundation, a foundation that donated to Corbett, a foundation that was supported largely by the BOT's, a foundation that had close friends and allies of the Sandusky, who today, claim they had no knowledge.  Seems odd that a coach who cut ties with a man in 1999 had more knowledge and chose to hide it than those who were close friends and donators of Sandusky through his arrest.  

For journalist who always ask questions and assume doubt, are doing the opposite, making blind statements. I want another investigation done, as if I was being investigated like the BOT was, I would love to chose the investigator, espeically a good friend, as Freeh is to Corbett.  Take down all of Joe's legacy, I don't care. But if you really want to right a wrong, fix something that is broken, remove Corbett from office, have all of his emails made public record, do a honest investigations. I knew when Freeh was named by the BOT it was joke, you can chose to have yourself investigated and then admit it's a limited scope.  My theory, some one on the BOT bribed, lied, cheated or whatever to convince law enforcement not to do a thing, because of the work of the second mile foundation and it's connection to political figues in the state of PA.  I could care less of Joe's legacy, I want the truth, and right now we don't have it.

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